Sunday, April 18, 2010

Red Steel 2 Review

I will now start doing reviews for things that i see or buy.

On 4/5/10, I bought Red Steel 2, and holy shizz, this is the best dang wii game EVAR!!!!!

The wii motion plus, makes it sooo accurate, and although you only have 4 guns available to buy, the swordfights are fffing sweet!!
The guns you use have gold decerations all around them, and since the entire game is in first-person, when you stab someone on the ground, the whole camera swerves to the side. The only thing thats better then the gameplay is the cutscenes.
At the beggining of the game, you wake up in a desert, and instantly you are tied to the back of a motorcycle, and you see in first-person, yourself getting dragged across a city under trucks and everything!!! There is also an even more awesome cutscene when you are on top of a truck, but ill leave that for you to discover on your own.
Although there is no multiplayer (damn it)
the game is experimental like the first one.
(redsteel one came out when the wii came out. Red steel 2 came out when the wii motion plus came out)
Hopefully, Redsteel 3(if there is one), will have multiplayer.
Although the game is unrealistic, because there is no civilians(WTF?!) it is still A LOT of fun.
Overall score--- 10.0 out of 10.

First of all, buy it at costco, because they have a bundle.
Redsteel 1($10)+Redsteel 2 ($40) + Wii motion plus ($20)= $70
INSTEAD of $53 for the costco bundle, with the first game, second game and wii motion plus.
This is an okay game, it has some pretty badass explosions, but it is pretty racist (sort of).  The black guy in the LA car body shops (no offense) fight you with baseball bats (LOL), and every one sounds the same. It takes a couple shots to kill the people, and the first-person view looks almost identical to Goldeneye (both the N64 version and the new version).
There are only 4 multiplayer maps, which are mostly pitch black, so you can't see where you are, and the swordplay is plain bad. (espesically when an old dude is telling you how to swordfight right in the middle of an actcual battle)
The nice thing though, is that you can save the people in the sword battles.
Fun game, Very explosive.
Overall Score---7.9 out of 10

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